Step6: How to Accelerate your Essay

Mainly there are 2 kinds of tasks.

1. Essay
2. Exam

Here are the tips for each category to accelerate.

1. Create word file that has requirement titled

For essays, you first need to read and learn by the text books and then write an essay regarding what the task requires in your Task stream.

In the Task stream(where you read instruction and submit paper work), there are 2 areas you need to see. That is introduction, and requirements.

  1. Introduction :
    This tells you the overview of what your going to write about,
    how many papers are needed, and some notes.

  2. Requirements:
    This tells you the task requirements.
    In other words, what the graders are looking for.

    Requirement area is divided into 4 or 5 sections depending on the task by letters. ex) A, B, C, D…

    Then each section is divided out in numbers. ex) A1, A2, A3…..

Now you might want to start writing down in your word document, however it is very difficult to write down in a blank piece of paper and try to hit every 10 or more requirements in a 10 to 16 pages long essay.

It is also difficult for the grader to find where the requirements are written in your paperwork without an index.

It is easier to do this if you have a guide already written in your word file for each requirement.

What I recommend the first thing to do, before even reading the introduction is to

write down each requirement in the Rubric as a title of each section in your word file

This makes it easier for the graders to identify what requirement is written where in your paperwork.

I know it is difficult to imagine first, so I’ll show you some examples.

» Examples

This is an example of what a Rubric will look like.
Rubric is a document that tells students what their work will be judged upon for each individual category.

You have to score 3 or more to be competent and move on to the next task.

Articulation unsatisfactoryweaklimitedadequatesubstantial
A1. Description of the Organizationdoes not provide a reasonable descriptionprovides a reasonable description with no detail provides a reasonable description with limited detail provides a reasonable description with adequate detail provides a reasonable description with substantial detail
A2. Leadership Practicesdoes not provide 3 leadership practicesprovides 1-2 leadership practiceslimited detail of 3 leadership practicesadequate detail of 3 leadership practicessubstantial detail of 3 leadership practices
A3. Effects of Current Leadershipdoes not provide a logical discussionprovides a logical discussion with no support provides a logical discussion with limited support provides a logical discussion with adequate support provides a logical discussion with substantial support

Next example shows how your word document will look like.

A1. Description of the Organization

A2. Leadership Practices

A3. Effects of Current Leadership

Now it is easier for you to write down your essay between each index.

Download a word template file here

2. Follow exactly what the Rubric tells you

For A1, “provide a reasonable description with substantial detail” ,
For A2, ” provide substantial detail of 3 leadership practices ” ,
For A3, “ provide a logical discussion with substantial support

Try to think about these while working on your writing.

After you complete your writing, go back to the Rubric and then double check by thinking about what it says in the Rubric again.

Check if the needed content is fully written in your paperwork or not.

3. Try hard from the first time to be competent

Especially when you are accelerating your study, you start to want to submit your paperwork even you are not fully ready.

Do not submit your paperwork when you think you might fail.

It will fail in a high percentage, and it will waste a lot of your time.

They also have restrictions of how many times you can submit your paperwork.

Once you submit the paperwork,
if there are many people waiting ahead of you,
the grading sometimes takes couple of days.

If you are graded not competent, then you have to repeat the process again after you correct your work. This is a complete waste of your time.

Concentrate on being competent in your first try

I recommend you to double check and if possible triple check before you submit.

Even if you spend time doing these checks, it will still be couple of days faster than resubmitting the paperwork twice.

» Summary of Essay tips

1. Create a word file that has every index from the Rubric
2. Follow exactly what the Rubric tells you. Exactly
3. Double check your work

